Exploring the Special Situations Dual-Track Transaction Process

Rory Keenan
Managing Director

Atlanta, GA — In the world of corporate finance, the idea of the dual-track transaction process typically applies to three different types of transactions. The first is the well-liked traditional process, the second is the decidedly unpopular bankruptcy process, and the third is the special situations dual-track process — which tends to be the most relevant for middle market companies and their private credit lenders.

In the article published by Turnaround Management Association’s Journal of Corporate Renewal, Configure Managing Director Rory Keenan explores the special situations dual-track transaction process and how it applies in a market where rapid interest rate increases, inflationary pressures, and end-market drivers have created difficult refinancing conditions.

Read the full article here: https://www.tmajcr.org/journalofcorporaterenewal/may_2024/MobilePagedArticle.action?articleId=1973968&app=false#articleId1973968