Featured Insights

Considerations of an Out-of-Court Sale: Making a Balanced Decision when Dealing with a Distressed Company

In this article, Configure Managing Director Jay Jacquin explores the possible consequences of seeking an out-of-court sale, presenting elements that should be carefully evaluated when analyzing the cost and benefit of the next steps for a troubled borrower.

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Best Strategies for Renegotiating Credit Agreements for PE-Backed Companies

As we begin to observe indicators hinting at a softer economic climate, common trends are emerging, impacting company cash flow across many sectors, including labor force challenges and supply chain irregularities, combined with rising interest rates approximately doubling cash interest costs for borrowers linked to floating rates.

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An Introduction to Chapter 11 Transactions

Although many companies first evaluate out of court alternatives, Chapter 11 remains as one of the primary venues in which distressed companies can find respite […]

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Jones Day 2023
CLE Academy

Emerging Opportunities in Distressed M&A Jones Day | Configure Partners   Jamie Hadfield, Managing Director at Configure, presented alongside Caitlin Cahow, Jeffrey Ellman, and Dan […]

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M&A Webinar
October 2022

Topic: Understanding the Essentials of a Successful M&A Transaction HUNTON ANDREWS KURTH WEBINAR October 12, 2022 Jay Jacquin, Managing Director at Configure, joined Austin Maloney and […]

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ESG in Aerospace & Defense Lending

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) has become an increasingly significant influence on investment decisions for both equity and debt investors in private markets.  The term “ESG” can be applied to a host of wide-ranging considerations – inclusion, environmental impact, and workforce/labor relations to name a few.

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Financing Webinar
May 2022

Topic: Negotiating Loan Commitment Letters for Acquisition Financings Under Increasing Sell Side Timelines and Competitive Pressure HUNTON ANDREWS KURTH WEBINAR May 25, 2022 Jamie Hadfield, […]

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