Configure Partners Advises UPG Company LLC on its Successful Recapitalization
Atlanta, GA — Configure Partners, LLC (“Configure”), a leading middle-market investment bank, is pleased to
announce its role as financing advisor and investment banker to UPG Company LLC (“UPG”), a portfolio
company of Turnspire Capital Partners (“Turnspire”), in a successful recapitalization transaction. The proceeds
are being used to repay UPG’s prior domestic debt, provide resources for ongoing investments in product
expansion and growth in all of UPG’s geographies and end-markets, and fund a cash distribution to
About UPG Company LLC (www.upgintl.com)
Founded in 1954 and headquartered in Houston, Texas, UPG is a solutions-oriented manufacturer of complex
products and assemblies (both contract manufacturing and original design manufacturing), providing end-to-end
concept to completion expertise. UPG’s global customer base is served through an international facility footprint
and represents diverse, demanding end-markets, including the data center, energy, industrial, and medical
industries. UPG was acquired by Turnspire in 2016.
About Turnspire Capital Partners (www.turnspirecap.com)
Turnspire Capital Partners invests in high-quality businesses that have reached strategic, financial or operational
inflection points and stand to benefit from its hands-on, operationally focused approach. Turnspire strives to
make each of its companies best-in-class in its respective industry niche, and subsequently to grow the
businesses through organic initiatives or strategic acquisitions.
About Configure Partners (configurepartners.com)
Configure Partners is a preeminent credit-oriented middle market advisory boutique headquartered in Atlanta. The firm provides investment banking and financial advisory services surrounding credit and creditor’s rights, providing actionable advice and results-oriented execution. Configure’s Debt Placement practice designs bespoke financing solutions for borrowers to support leveraged buyouts, acquisitions, and dividend recaps, among other strategic objectives. The firm’s Credit Resolutions practice is the trusted advisor to lenders and their borrowers when confronting business, liquidity, or capital structure challenges.

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